Jorge Rivera Immigration Group
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Immigration lawyers Jorge Rivera > Legal Representation

Legal representation in proceedings for Immigration.

Legal representation in immigration proceedings is strongly recommended. Yes, looking at the possible consequences, should not be optional.

A person is exposed to detention, deportation, losing the benefit of living in the united States, losing the possibility of fixing to the family, and losing the security of being in a country, legally. When it comes to immigration, the consequences are serious, should not be taking steps without a professional who can advise, guide and represent, whether it be through giving a consultation, review documents, filling out forms, preparing motions or appeals, and representing it in an interview or in court. Do not be carried away by notaries or persons not licensed, it is important that you have a lawyer that is aware of changes to immigration laws and policies. Only a lawyer can represent an immigrant in front of the immigration service and the court. You are not alone in the process so important that it can affect the rest of your life.

Representation of Hearing in Court

The Representation at the hearing in Court is when someone is in the process of deportation and have to go to an appointment before the immigration judge. In the Court there is a tax of immigration that is going to be asking the judge to sport to the person. And that is why it is so important to have a good legal defense so that you do not end up deporting the person.

Appeals of Denials

Appeals of Denials are required under different circumstances. It can be a denial of the immigration service, you can be a denial of the immigration judge, you can be a denial of bail, or of a work permit. In order to denials can be of any decision of immigration. And generally, you can appeal. In these appeals, it is important to have a good legal representation.

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