Jorge Rivera Immigration Group
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American Citizenship you can ask for 3 months before you turn 5 years residency or 3 years after becoming a resident if it complies with the requirement of the 3, 3, 3:

1) Being married to a us citizen for 3 years
2) The american citizen has been a citizen for 3 years
3) Bring up to 3 years with the residence. Certain people must not apply for citizenship because they may lose the house if they have a history of immigration serious for example.

Citizenship Derivative

Derivative citizenship can be obtained under certain circumstances, if one's parents are citizens. But not in all cases. It is easy when it is a case of a young person under the age of 18 and at least one of the parents is a u.s. citizen. But when the young person is over 18 is more complicated. These cases are possible, but you need to consult with your attorney.

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